
What is the Digital Divide?

Digital divide is the gap between parts of the world where access to technology is very different. There are technologies like internet, mobile phones, computers and Wi-Fi in some parts of the world, and in other parts there are not. The difference of people that can access the internet, and the people that cannot. A digital divide can be born for many reasons like socioeconomic problems (few people are rich and lots are poor), racial problems (there is a majority or a minority that control the other), or geographical problems (in the cities there are technologies but there are not in rural areas). 

Examples in culture

For examples of digital divide think about countries such as Canada, the United States, Japan, South Korea, Western Europe and North Europe and Australasia, where there are big internet connection developments, or where technologies are cheap. After that, we think about Latin America, Africa, and Southeast Asia, where there are many social problems and where technology has a long way to go before getting interest in those countries, because of problems like the price of technology and the fact that sometimes there are not resources to help.

Inner conflict

In some parts of the world there is a large digital divide. Sometimes it is just in half of a country, or just a region, for example Africa. As with other things like education or transport some people have things that others don't have. There are big cities where technologies are cheap and there are many villages and rural communities where there is no digital/electrical technology. In this case the Digital Divide creates other problems. Because a part of the country is rich and another part is poor there are often problems with trading and connections.


Many rich countries (for example, Canada, United States, Japan, Italy, France, United Kingdom) send old computers or make charity projects by no-profit associations or communities or projects for schools in poor countries, as One Laptop Per Child, to fight the digital divide and to make a culture involving internet and other technologies.


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  • 2 years, 8 months

    ꢜꣂꢰꢮꢰꢤ ꢙꢼꢐ ꢤꢓꢚ ꢤꢓꢚ ꢤꢓꢚ ꢙꢧꢷꢥꢹꢊꢀꢰꢙ ꢙꢝꣂ ꢙꢝꢚ ꢙꢝꢚ ꢙꢝꢚ ꢚꢝꢚꢰꣂꢝꢙꢱꢙꢟꢙ ꢣꢞꢙ ꢙꢝꢙꢱꢘꢕꢙ ꢙꢝꢚ ꢚꢔꢘ ꢚꢝꢚꢱꢘꢧꢣ ꢤꢩꢙ ꢙꢧꢙꢱꢚꢧꢤ ꢧꢤ ꢤꢧꢧꢙ ꢤꢧꢚ ꢤꢓꢚ ꢤꢓꢚ ꢤꢓꢚ ꢚꢧꢙ

  • 2 years, 11 months


  • 2 years, 11 months


  • 3 years, 8 months

    Wow , this all is very helful for learing new thins about knowledge

  • 3 years, 8 months

    Wow , this all is very helful for learing new thins about knowledge

  • 3 years, 8 months

    Wow , this all is very helful for learing new thins about knowledge

  • 3 years, 8 months


  • 3 years, 8 months


  • 3 years, 8 months
