
What is sustainable development?


  • The term “sustainable development” first came to prominence in the world Conservation Strategy (WCS) in 1980.
  • It achieved a new status with the publication of two significant reports by Brundtland on: North and South: a programme for survival and common crisis (1985) and
  • Our Common Future (1983) and has gained even greater attention since the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Jenerio in June 1992.


Generally Development is the gradual growth of a situation that becomes more advanced and strong than previous one.

Development is intended to bring a positive change for human being and its surroundings.

 Development may take place by bringing about a change in policy, projects and legislation.  Development is a unfolding of human potentials for meaningful participation in economic, social, political and cultural process and institutions, so that people can improve their conditions.

Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Gro Harlem Brundtland first introduced the concept of sustainable development in 1987. He was then the Prime Minister of Norway and chairman of the World Commission on Environment and Development.

Improvement of lifestyles and well-being Preserving natural resources and ecosystems Sustainable Development

Aim Maximizing the probability of achieving sustainable development.

Minimizing the chances of environmental degradation.

Example of Sustainable Development

  • Solar energy The greatest advantages of solar energy are that it is completely free and is available in a limitless supply. Both of these factors provide a huge benefit to consumers and help reduce pollution. Replacing non-renewable energy with this type of energy is both environmentally and financially effective.

  • Wind Energy is another readily available Wind energy source. Harnessing is the power of wind energy necessitates the use of windmills; however,due to construction cost and finding a suitable location, this kind of energy is meant to service more than just the individual. Wind energy can supplement or even replace the cost of grid power, and therefore may be a good investment and remains a great example of sustainable development.

  • Crop Rotation This farming practice is beneficial in several ways, most notably because it is is chemical-free. Crop rotation has been proven to maximize the growth potential of land, while also preventing disease and insects in the soil. Not only can this form of development benefit commercial farmers, but it can also aid those who garden at home.

  • Efficient Water Fixtures . According to the EPA, it takes a lot of energy to produce and transport water and to process waste water, and since less than one percent of the Earth’s available water supply is fresh water, it is important that sustainable water use is employed at the individual and societal level.

Desired outcome

  • Clean water & air
  • Fertile soil & good food
  • A livelihood & a healthy economy
  • An optimum population size
  • Safety from poverty & disease
  • Social contact & a sense of community
  • Work, rest & celebration
  • Opportunities to learn
  • Halting global warming

The principles of a sustainable society are

• Respect and care for the community of life.

 • Improve the quality of human life.

 • Conserve the Earth's vitality and diversity.

• Minimize the depletion of non-renewable resources

. • Keep within the Earth's carrying capacity.

• Change attitudes and practices.

• Enable communities to care for their own environments.

• Provide a national framework for integrating development and conservation.

• Create a global alliance.

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  • 3 years

    Thanks 😊😊

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