
Std 7 Science Chapter1 : Plants: Structure and Function

Title : Std 7 Science Chapter1 part 1 : Plants: Structure and Function

I. Roots II. Stem III. Leaf IV. Flower V. Fruits

Maharashtra state board solutions for class 7 SSC board science part STD 7-  science plants: Structure and Function

 Know everything about The living world Maharashtra state board class 7 SSC .Get detailed Questions and answers for chapter Science . I. Roots II. Stem III. Leaf IV. Flower V. Fruits

Important question and answers

*Q.1) What helps us to easily identify the plants around us?

 Answer: The most important thing that identifies plant around us is obtaining oxygen. Oxygen is obtained by the plants as a by-product by the plants. We get fresh air from the trees, it helps to reduce soil erosion. if the plants were not there then there will be opposite happening here. So, these prove that there are plants around us.

 *Q.2) Which are the various parts of plants?

 Answer: Plants typically have six basic parts: roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds

**Q.9) What are the two main type of roots?

Answer: There are two main types of roots: tap roots and fibrous roots. Dicotyledonous plants have tap roots while monocotyledonous plants have fibrous roots.

**Q.10) Which plants have two types of roots?

Answer: Plants like maize, sugarcane, sorghum have two types of roots. Some roots are underground whereas some grow from the stem just above the soil. Maize stalk

 **Q.11) What are adventious roots?

 Answer: The roots that grow from the stem just above the soil are called adventious roots

*Q.13) What would have happened if plants like tamarind, banyan and mango has fibrous roots? Answer: Fibrous roots may not be strong enough to prevent the tree from toppling over both, because of the trees own weight and because of winds. Because fibrous roots are much thinner than tap roots and generally don't grow as deep as tap roots. In addition, the fibrous roots may not find enough water, near the surface, to feed the big trees. Tap roots find water deeper in the ground, where it's protected from evaporation. *Q.14) What will happen if the root tip is injured? Answer: If the root tip is injured then the plants root will not able to penetrate the soil at the rate at which it was penetrating before. but with the passage of time it will automatically regain its original speed. *Q.15) Which types of roots do the fenugreek, spinach and onion plants have?

 Answer: Fenugreek, Spinach and Onions have tap roots. A tap root is type of root which is dominant and large. It is very thick and straight and the other roots sprout from the tap root. Tap root is the first root to appear that goes deep down in to the soil. I hope this answer will be helpful for you.

 *Q.16) What are prop roots?

 Answer: Roots emerging from the trunk and branches of a banyan tree grow towards the soil. These roots are called prop roots. In the beginning, the banyan tree has very few prop roots. But later on, their number increases so much that it appears like a small forest.

 *Q.17) What feature does the banyan tree in Kolkata has?

Answer: In Kolkata, a 250 years old banyan tree in the Indian Botanical Garden covers a very large area. It is supported by thousands of proproots.


*Q.3) What is an internode?

Answer: The part of the stem between two nodes is nodes called an internode

 Q.4) What is a bud?

Answer: The tip or the apical end of the stem is called a bud


**Q.1) What are leaves? Where do they grow?

Answer: Leaves grow from the nodes on a stem. Leaves are generally thin, flat and green in colour.

**Q.7) Give the structure of peepal leaf.

 Answer: The peepal leaf is divided into two equal parts by a single midvein which lies along the mid-line of the leaf blade. Secondary veins arise from the mid-vein. They are branched and form a network or reticulum. On the other hand, in leaves of maize, all the veins are parallel, running from the leaf—base to the leaf apex. Thus, the peepal leaf-blade has reticulate venation and the maize leafblade has parallel venation


 **Q.1) Give the basic structure of flower with diagram.

 Answer: Flowers may have a long or a short stalk called pedicel. One end of the pedicel is attached to the stem. The other end of the pedicel is expanded and swollen. It is called the receptacle. Petals and other parts of the flower are supported on the receptacle. Calyx, corolla, androecium, gynoecium are different parts of a flower.

**Q.4) What is androecium?

Answer: Androecium is the male reproductive part of the flower. It consists of stamens. Each stamen is made up of anther and filament


**Q.3) What are dicotyledonous?

Answer: Seeds which get divided into two equal parts are called dicotyledonous seeds.

 **Q.4) What are monocotyledonous?

Answer: Seeds which do not divide into two equal parts are called monocotyledonous seeds


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