
Best Summer Schedule for Vacations

Summer is a beautiful, laid-back season when kids appreciate getting away from the daily grind. However, as appealing as a carefree summer may be, it is not all beneficial for children. In order to preserve happiness, as well as appropriate nutrition, physical exercise, and sleep, it is necessary to establish certain routines and structure. Here are some suggestions for establishing summer routines.

A sample summer timetable for young children is shown below. It's similar to making a to-do list. It is easier to complete tasks when they are written down. The same holds true here. Peace and balance are brought in through a plan. As children grow older, they must be solicited for their opinions. Is there anything specific they'd like to include in our summer programmes, camps, or day trips? When we sit down and make a plan for our time off from school, excitement builds. It's also a good moment to establish some ground rules. For example, this year the kids must perform two chores before using any electronics.

1. Bed-Time and Wake-Up Call

Even if it's later than during the school year, try to keep bedtime and wakeup times constant. Allowing your youngster to stay up all night and sleep all day is not a good idea! Our children, as always, are the proud owners of blackout curtains. Nothing is more frustrating than having kids wake up at 4:30 a.m. when they see the first speck of light. Until the clock strikes 7 a.m., our children are free to play or read quietly in their rooms.

2. Summer-Themed Activities

Plan entertaining activities for your child during the day to get them out of the house. This initiates the first few skills that are necessary for a child’s growth. Aspects like teamwork, leadership, and a winning, yet fun-loving mentality is instilled in this way. Some examples are:

  • Swimming in a pool
  • Visit museums or the zoo.
  • Visit the park
  • Make errands
  • Make plans to play with your friends.
  • Visit the library.

3. Create a rough sample schedule

9 AM

Wake Up

9:30 AM


10 AM

Study/Run Errands

12 PM


12:30-2:30 PM

Read/Play Music/Hobby Time

2:30-4:30 PM


4:30-6:30 PM

Play Time/Exercise

6:30 PM


6:30-9:30 PM

Family Time and Dinner

9:30 PM

Prepare for bed

4. Eat Healthy, and Functional

Make sure the regimen involves eating healthy foods and avoiding eating out or snacking. When kids are at home all day, they are tempted to eat more, so meal and snack planning might help. Even on vacation, this rule should be followed.

5. Keep Moving

Take advantage of the opportunity to get some exercise. Kids sit a lot throughout the school year; they should get up and move during the summer! Regular physical activity and exercise help to build healthy muscles and bones. It boosts your respiratory, cardiovascular, and general wellness. Maintaining a healthy weight, lowering your risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and various malignancies are all benefits of staying active.

6. Keep Activities Ready

Have a list of enjoyable activities placed throughout the house so that when the kids say, "I'm bored!" you can point them to the list. Long breaks may bore your children. Every day, children require at least 60 minutes of physical activity to stay active and healthy. Enrolling children in swimming, karate, yoga, or dancing lessons is a great way to keep them physically active. It depends on your child's preferences and interests. They will benefit from these physical exercises in order to keep active and healthy.

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  • 2 years, 2 months
