
Freelancing: The Unorthodox Career

In recent years, the freelancing sector has exploded, with most startups and businesses turning to freelancers to meet their demands. It should come as no surprise that this is a field that nowadays attracts a large number of young people. While many people value the freedom that a freelance job provides, others see it as a way to make more money. Today, India has 15 million freelancers. While it may appear to be a difficult decision for those who prefer a regular employment, it is not also a way to supplement your income. If you know how to traverse the first steps, becoming a freelancer is rather simple.

One of the best aspects of freelancing is that you may work on your own schedule. You can do it part-time in addition to your regular, full-time job—or you can make it your full-time job with a little strategic preparation and a lot of hard work—if you just need some extra money or want to build abilities in a new area.

Here's how to get started if you want to make freelancing your full-time job.

Get Some Real Action

Most people will advise you that you should establish a plan before you begin. If you're currently employed, I'd recommend doing the opposite: get your feet wet by taking a few gigs while you're still employed. There are two advantages to doing so. First and foremost, it allows you to save some money before transitioning to full-time freelancing. To start your freelancing job from a solid position, you'll need three to six months' worth of living expenses plus start-up charges. Second, it allows you to try out various types of clients and assignments and iron out the problems before fully committing.


It's time to establish a plan when you've tried out a few various types of projects and clients and have a good notion of what you'd like to work on. Even if you aren't looking to impress investors, drafting a business plan can help you clarify your objectives and sketch out a basic outline of what success looks like for you. Remember to budget for expected quarterly taxes; use these instructions for calculating and paying them. You'll eventually have to decide whether or not to incorporate, but you don't have to make that decision right away.


You'll rapidly get a picture of the companies and persons with whom you work the most. The finest combination of work, working style, timetable, and remuneration will be your ideal client. You might realise, for example, that you like working with startups because you value working on cutting-edge projects and don't want to have a 9-to-5 job—or you might discover that more established organisations are more financially stable, and skew your client list toward them. Then there's the cultural aspect to consider. Everyone has distinct expectations and values from co-workers and clients. Perhaps you want to work with people who are nice and warm, or who are prompt and accurate, or who respect your time limits.


Freelancers require relationships not only to maintain acquiring new work, but also to foster the sense of community that office workers enjoy and that contractors often lack. All you have to do is be dependable, pleasant to work with, and willing to meet new people. Again, social media has simplified the process of making contacts. If you haven't already, consider joining professional organisations in your sector to stay up to date on news and trends and to gain access to educational opportunities that can help you improve your abilities.

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